Growing Salt Resistant Gardens
If you have a coastal garden where sea salt will be a problem, don’t despair. There are ways to combine gardening with salt water soil. Salt tolerant shrubs can be used to form wind or splash breaks that will protect less tolerant plants. Trees that tolerate salty soil should be planted closely to protect each other and the soil beneath. Mulch your garden of plants that tolerate salty soil and spray them regularly and thoroughly, particularly after storms.
Plants That Tolerate Salty Soil
Trees That Tolerate Salty Soil
The following is only a partial list of trees that tolerate salty soil. Check with your nursery for size at maturity and sun requirements.
Thornless Honey Locust Eastern Red Cedar Southern Magnolia Willow Oak Chinese Podocarpus Sand Live Oak Redbay Japanese Black Pine Devilwood
Shrubs for Salt Resistant Gardens
These shrubs are ideal for gardening with salt water conditions. There are many others with moderate tolerance.
Century Plant Dwarf Yaupon Holly Oleander New Zealand Flax Pittosporum Rugosa Rose Rosemary Butcher’s Broom Sandwich Viburnum Yucca
Perennial Plants That Tolerate Salty Soil
There are very few small garden plants that tolerate salty soil in high concentrations.
Blanket Flower Daylily Lantana Prickly Pear Cactus Lavender Cotton Seaside Goldenrod
Moderately Salt Tolerant Perennial Plants
These plants may do well in your garden and sea salt or salt spray will not be a problem if they are well protected.
Yarrow Agapanthus Sea Thrift Candytuft Hardy Ice Plant Cheddar Pinks (Dianthus) Mexican Heather Nippon Daisy Crinum Lily Mallow Hens and Chicks Hummingbird plant
Gardening with saltwater conditions can be a problem, but with thought and planning, the gardener will be rewarded with a special place as unique as its surroundings.